In terms of contribution, it is worth mentioning that ActionAid Senegal is represented on three four programmatic platforms of the federation is IP champion for the platform. We initiated research exercises to help build evidence of inequities and to engage in evidence-based advocacy. We supported the building and strengthening of collective power by supporting the establishment of three national and regional platforms of actors to promote the political and economic power of women and girls, to demand and monitor the implementation SDGs at country level for the promotion of agroecology and transparent governance of natural resources. Different advocacy meeting has been carried out targeting the ministry of women affairs, Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of education and vocational training. In the same line this local and national engagement inform our work in different IP’s platform in the federation. ActionAid Senegal. Different advocacy meeting has been carried out targeting the ministry of women affairs, Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of education and vocational training. In the same line this local and national engagement inform our work in different IP’s platform in the federation. ActionAid Senegal. Different advocacy meeting has been carried out targeting the ministry of women affairs, Ministry of agriculture and Ministry of education and vocational training. In the same line this local and national engagement inform our work in different IP’s platform in the federation. ActionAid Senegal.