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Documentary movie on agro-ecology in Senegal/Case of AFD-Bamtal Rewbe Project in Koussanar and Tambacounda

African societies are mainly patriarchal with social norms and gender roles that discourage women’s ownership of property. Women’s access to and control over land remains very low in most African

AFD-Bamtal Rewbe Project in Koussanar and Tambacounda
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Note from African Food system and the SDGS conference

The African Food system and the SDGS conference took place in Senegal from November 3rd to 5th 2018. It’s an initiative led by Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa(AFSA)in partnership with the

Note from AFSA CONFERENCE on Food system  and SDG12 in Senegal
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Newsletter Labour Day - Launch Campaign - Senegal

Celebration of the Labor Day 01 May 2019 in Senegal an opportunity for ActionAid Senegal to launch one Global campaign

Newsletter Labour Day - Launch Campaign - Senegal
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Newsletter Journée Internationale du Travail - Lancement Campagne Mondiale - Senegal French Final

ActionAid Sénégal, en partenariat avec la Confédération Nationale des travailleurs du Sénégal (CNTS), a lancé la Campagne Mondiale sur le travail décent, la lutte contre les violences à l'égard des

Newsletter Journée Internationale du Travail - Lancement Campagne Mondiale
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Zakaria Sambakhe's Blog

Climate change is not a game, it’s true and real, we must act now or never. Today people and
the planet stand at the cross roads, and they are worry about what they are seeing and living
day by day in

Blog Zakaria
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Ramata Sall, une juriste défenseuse des Droits des Femmes

Il y a quelques semaines deux des nos volontaires à l’aide européen ont interviewé une des personnes clés de la défense pour les Droits des Femmes au Sénégal, engagéenotamment dans la lutte contre les

Ramata Sall
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Note politique d'ActionAid Sénégal et de ses partenaires. La crise sanitaire de COVID 19 :

Julia Sánchez, Secrétaire Générale de ActionAid International, déclare : "La pandémie de coronavirus et la crise climatique actuelle ont toutes deux révélé un modèle économique mondial profondément


The health crisis at COVID 19: an unprecedented challenge, an opportunity for a new dawn Policy note of ActionAid Senegal and its partners

The rapid spread of the virus in Africa is causing great concern because of the weakness of the current health systems, the shortage of personnel in the most disadvantaged areas and the weakness of


Resilient livelihoods and climate justice

Agriculture in Senegal is predominantly rain-fed and so erratic weather patterns present an ever-increasing risk to smallholder farmers across the country. Late onset of rain often leads to a shorter

Compendium of case studies 2018 - 2019
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Quarterly Newsletter on COVID 19 Response

The COVID 19 pandemic is an unprecedented health crisis. Since the discovery of the first Coronavirus case in Senegal in March 02nd 2020 the government of Senegal took some measures in order to stop

COVID 19 response