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ActionAid Senegal 2018 Annual Report

It also shows how we make impact on the lives of the communities we work with. These stories of change are the result of the implementation of different activities from our programme framework which

ActionAid Senegal 2018 Annual Report

ActionAid Senegal 2019 Annual Report

ActionAid Senegal is part of the AA Federation and started working in Senegal in  2000, focusing on four out of the 14 regions of Senegal (Fatick, Tambacounda, Kedougou, and Kolda ) covering five out

2019 Annual Report
Publication /

16 days of Activism Campaign 2018

Existence of progressive laws and policies that protect women's rights,
No quality gender sensitive public services,
Limited investment for the adequate care of cases of violence despite the legal

16 days of Activism Campaign

ActionAid Senegal Policy brief Number 2

ActionAid Senegal Policy brief Number 2
Applying the Triple bottom line (People, Planet, Progressive taxation) to ensure sustainable social justice to end poverty.
Human and the environment at the

Policy brief Number 2
Publication /

Note Politique ActionAid Sénégal numéro 2

Note politique ActionAid Senegal numéro 2
Appliquer le triple bilan (Humain, Planète, financement progressif) pour assurer une justice sociale durable afin de mettre fin à la pauvreté.
Mettre l’humain et

Note Politique ActionAid Sénégal

Stratégie ActionAid Sénégal

ActionAid Sénegal fait partie de la Fédération des AA et a commencé à travailler au Sénégal en l’an 2000, en se concentrant sur trois des 14 régions du Sénégal (Fatick, Tambacounda et Kédougou)

Stratégie Pays - ActionAid Sénégal

Annual Report ActionAid Senegal 2020

ActionAid Senegal is delighted to share this report of its achievements and stories of change from 2020. This year our country like many others around the world was hit by the COVID19 pandemic. The

Annual Report ActionAid Senegal 2020

Appels à une action urgente des États membres de l'Union africaine face à la hausse exacerbée des prix des denrées alimentaires à la suite de la guerre en Ukraine.

La hausse du prix des denrées alimentaires a un impact disproportionné sur les personnes vivant dans la pauvreté, en particulier les femmes et les enfants. Elle exacerbe également les crises

Publication /

Annual report 2016 Senegal

In terms of contribution, it is worth mentioning that ActionAid Senegal is represented on three four programmatic platforms of the federation is IP champion for the platform. We initiated research

Annual Report 2016

Calls for urgent action for AU member states on exacerbated food prices following Ukraine war

The rising price of food has disproportional impacts on people living in poverty, particularly women and children. It is also so critical in humanitarian crisis, such as the worsening climate-induced

Exacerbated food prices following Ukraine war